Federal Republic of Grunkia

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Federal Republic of Grunkia

"Unity, Freedom, Democracy"[1]
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Capital city "New Rome"[1]
Largest city "New Rome"
Official language(s) English
Demonym Grunkian
Government Presidential republic
- Prime Minister Vacant
- President Gunho Kim
Legislature Parliament
Established April 7, 2011
Area claimed 11 acres
Population Population::2
Currency Canadian Dollars
Time zone (PST)
Observes daylight saving
National sport Hockey
National animal Golden Eagle
Patron saint St. John

Government Website

Grunkia, officially the Federal Republic of Grunkia or FRG is a territorial North American micronation. It is a member state in the Grand Unified Micronational, and is is primarily located in the Canadian province of British Columbia, but Grunkia holds a claim in the Republic of Korea as well. Originally established in 2009 as a virtual nation called "Monsictoo"' on a website known as NationStates, it gradually moved on to become a single-party parliamentary republic. However, as more citizens were naturalized, further political parties were created, and on May 5th, 2011, a second political party, the Republica party, was founded. The government changed to a constitutional monarchy, but a King was not found.

Originally, Grunkia started as an influential member of the YouTube community, as it participated in the Grunkian-New Jonesland War, and was involved in the founding of the United Micronational Council, which was eventually dissolved. Meanwhile, at a local school, where Grunkia was originally based, it grew to become a popular and well known micronation. Many other micronations were founded to counter the growing power of Grunkia, but they failed to achieve much success, and eventually grew inactive.

Today, Grunkia is a developing micronation with a hopeful future. It also maintains a stagnant economy, due to holding no export products. However, one can consider Grunkia's low GDP with the amount of imports that were shipped in the whole of 2011. Grunkia is currently a provisional member of the Grand Unified Micronational, and the organization of the legislature of Grunkia makes it one of the most democratic and free nations of the micronational community.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

The name "Grunkia" comes from the founding President's name, Gunho Kim. He picked the letters "GUN" from is first name and the letters "KI" from his last name.

History[edit | edit source]

Pre-history[edit | edit source]

Long time ago, some First Nations peoples called the Haida and the Coast Salish settled in what is now known as Grunkia. They lived peacefully for years until the first Europeans, led by Captain James Cook, landed there. He started European colonization, which eventually turned into modern-day Canada, paving the way for the creation of the Federal Republic of Grunkia.

Founding of Grunkia[edit | edit source]

Grunkia started as a fictional nation for several years, until the President read an "interesting and humorous" book on micronationalism, so he decided to use his NationStates cyber-nation as a starting base, it was known as Monsictoo. Before the official creation, it changed names several times, and it was renamed GR at first, then became Rackland, and then Gunho Kim, decided to name it "Grunkia". He decided with the Federal Republic attachment, even though Grunkia is a parliamentary republic "because it sounded good". He then, searching up other nations and modeling some aspects of them to Grunkia, decided to make Grunkia known to the World Wide Web, so on May 1st 2011, a website was created, a wiki page, and a YouTube account.

The YouTube Community[edit | edit source]

Not too soon afterwards, the Foreign Affairs Ministry was contacted by the United States of Flatland, now Federated Republic of Flatland which requested diplomatic relations. After a short discussion in the Parliament of Grunkia, the government decided to accept. Many former YT community members regard this as the start of the YT community, which grew, after the joining of the Empire of Domanglia, Republic of Monovia, and the Republic of New Jonesland. Grunkia became aligned with Domanglia, and vice-versa, and Monovia and New Jonesland aligned with each other, until at that point, war broke out between New Jonesland and Grunkia over Grunkia not signing a treaty with New Jonesland. After 3 weeks of fighting, Monovia was a Grunkian ally, New Jonesland had been stripped of allies, and asked for peace. The government of Grunkia quickly accepted the peace offer. It was the beginning of the "golden age" in Grunkia, and Domanglia and Monovia emerged as the two new "superpowers" of the Yt community. They co-founded the United Micronational Council which Grunkia later joined. Meanwhile, relations between Monovia and Domanglia became strained, and many in Grunkia's government believe, the later founding of Utopia was to counter Domanglia's hostility. Meanwhile, however, the government of Grunkia's email was hacked, and the cyber-terrorist organization of the Red Comradeship claimed responsibility. It continued to strike until Grunkia fell into inactivity, most likely due to the demoralizing cyber-attacks. Meanwhile, the YT community carried on, even though it was shaken.

Dictatorial Grunkia[edit | edit source]

During this period of time, Grunkia was ruled with an iron fist by Gunho Kim. He was reportedly leading a democratic government, but in practice, all power lay with the President, who announced a declaration of war against Freya, then made peace, and made Grunkia not a very likable nation. During the "dictatorship" Grunkian politics alarmingly shifted to the left. The President then called for new elections, and a leftist president was elected. His name was Edward Jacobs. However, the new President was not active enough, as Jacobs was taking his college tests. This time, he resigned, and Gunho Kim took over again, but established a democracy, and Rilgar Ompastre became Prime Minister. The new elections however, spelt the end of the semi-dictatorship, and paved the way for a freer, democratic Grunkia.

Constitutional Monarchy[edit | edit source]

After the resignation of Edward Jacobs, Grunkia joined a new Utopia in January 2013, but left due to inactivity, and disestablished and became the short-lived Republic of Aurum, which was replaced by the reestablishment of Grunkia. Aurum became a province of Grunkia, and the new government promised new reforms to Grunkia. The parliamentary republic was replaced with a constitutional monarchy. The Grunkian government also voted to re-establish the Grunkian Commonwealth. The two former members of the GC, Freedricka and Andoras, decided to rejoin the Commonwealth. However, things came to a downturn after most of the citizens left, and government activity went down. However, the President devised a new scheme, which was "taking" Juclandia's idea for having plush toys as citizens. These easily filled 50% of all the spots in Parliament.

Dissolution[edit | edit source]

The FRG was dissolved in early May 2013, and was replaced by the Republic of Grunkia.

Politics[edit | edit source]

The Federal Republic of Grunkia is currently lead by the Conservative Democratic Party of Grunkia (CDP) after the Grunkian 2012 Elections. The President is elected by popular votes. The Prime Minister is second in command, and takes over the position of President temporarily when the President is not available. If there is no Prime Minister, the King takes his place when the President is unavailable.

Parliament[edit | edit source]

The Parliament of Grunkia is the official legislature of Grunkia. It decides every law and everything that goes on inside Grunkia. Parliament is divided into two "houses", the House of Commons, and the House of Lords. The House of Commons is where the representatives decided by popular vote meet. They discuss everything from foreign affairs, to the well-being of citizens. They are the only "house" with power, because the House of Lords has no power other than discussing about the future of lordships and protectorates, but any proposal must be approved by the House of Commons. The King of Grunkia is a member of the House of Lords.

Government[edit | edit source]

The government of Grunkia has some important figures. The President and Executive are part of the executive branch, the ministers in the Minister branch, and the MP's are in Parliament, the official legislature of Grunkia.

Foreign Relations[edit | edit source]

Grunkia has experienced many ups and downs in the number of friends and allies in its history. With multiple diplomatic changes, with the most being the Diplomatic Revolution, Grunkia has changed its foreign policy many times, making the number of allies and friends go up and down. Currently, Grunkia has formal relations with 3 nations, and an alliance with one nation.

Constitution[edit | edit source]

Currently in writing, the Constitution of Grunkia is the law of the State. All citizens and government members must follow the constitution.

Economy[edit | edit source]

The economy of Grunkia is stagnant. There are no exports, only imports. However, there are some mining and building industries that Grunkia has.

Industries[edit | edit source]

As of now, there are some industries, such as building things. Grunkians helped out on building tiny forts. They also built forts for the military, and little areas for storing things. The mining industry is quite visible too. There are many mines, in the Gleneagles province, that have quartz, chalk and granite. The miners chip out little pieces using rocks, but it is highly inefficient, and they scratch their hands on the jagged rock surface. Finally, the internet industry. Grunkians have helped make websites, wiki articles, and a certain company has started to make an email service!

Main Imports[edit | edit source]

The main thing that Grunkians import in are food, drinks, water, electricity, etc. They are tax free when brought into Grunkian territory, as there is free trade with Canada (without the Canadian government knowing). Grunkians are foreign reliant for basic needs, but there are plans to grow at least 5% of all foods that Grunkians consume in Grunkian territory.

Main Exports[edit | edit source]

Grunkia, unfortunately, exports nothing. However, there are good movie directors, and most of them make gaming videos or stop motion videos. They are distributed freely on the Internet, mainly on YouTube.

Geography and Climate[edit | edit source]

These are the record highs and lows and average highs and lows of Grunkia. Template:Weather box Many animals and wildlife dwell in Grunkia. Some examples are chipmunks, rabbits, and the occasional coyote. Pet dogs are also frequently seen, and tall, majestic pine trees also grow. Smaller birch and oak trees also live in the wildlife. There is grass and moss, and some quite large boulders. There is chalk and quartz rocks, and quite a few granite ones.

Global Warming[edit | edit source]

The government of Grunkia takes a stance of trying to preserve the Earth enviromentally. It has passed many laws trying to limit the use of objects that emit greenhouse gases, which reportedly contributes to global warming. One of the many laws passed by the Grunkian government is the Lightbulb Act. The Lightbulb Act states that incandescent lightbulbs are officially banned in the Grunkian Republic.

Military[edit | edit source]

File:GrunkianDefenceForce.png The military of Grunkia or the Grunkian Defence Force is in charge of the defense of Grunkia's physical territory. It also doubles, comfortably as military police, which is sent in to restore law and order if it ever breaks down. The Grunkian Defence Force is divided into three classes, which the first one and main one is the Grunkian Tactical Army. The Army consists of soldiers that fight on land. They are mostly equipped with light weapons like NERF weapons and airsoft. The Grunkian Tactical Navy consists of one heavy armoured, slow canoe, which are used for amphibious landings. Soldiers use the canoe mostly for training exercises. Finally, the Grunkian Tactical Airforce consists mainly of RC helicopters with tiny cameras, which are used for servellience. However, there are also RC planes, which are used for water bombing enemies.

Administrative Divisions[edit | edit source]

The Federal Republic of Grunkia is a large coastal nation divided into many little sections of land known as provinces. However, there are also special military districts, which are just forts or a special restricted area only accesible by the military.

Provinces[edit | edit source]

  • Aurum- Aurum is an semi-autonomous province, and is the only province which does not elect their governor. Rather, it works somewhat like a duchy, just that it is called the Kingdom of Aurum, and position of governor is called King. It borders the province of Fairview and North Fort Military District.
  • Fairview-Fairview is the biggest and main province in Grunkia. It has a nice view of the sea(hence the name "Fairview") and its capital is New Rome, which is also the national capital.

Special Districts[edit | edit source]

  • North Fort Military District-NFMD is the only military district in Grunkia, and this is where the military exercises and also is the place where the meet together.

Media[edit | edit source]

Grunkia News and Grunkian Observer[edit | edit source]

Grunkia News, a video broadcasting branch of the Grunkian Broadcasting Service, provides news on Grunkia and the outside world, to individuals who tend not to read paper media. As well, the Federal Republic of Grunkia publishes the Grunkian Observer.

Internet[edit | edit source]

A large majority of the citizens of Grunkia have access to the internet, which is supplied by foreign macronational corporations. The majority of Grunkia's citizens that have access to the internet usually check their email, most of them being Gmail (a email service sponsored by the Grunkian Government), YouTube, Facebook, or sometimes, in the case of politicians, MicroWiki or Skype.

Media and Internet Act[edit | edit source]

Under the Media and Internet Act passed by the Parliament of Grunkia, every individual residing in Grunkia has the freedom to create a video and post it on the internet, or make a radio broadcast on legal channels. Racism and Hate Speech does not apply under this act, therefore any media produced within Grunkia with such content could result in the creator being fined.

Television[edit | edit source]

The majority of Grunkian residents, except for a small exception, (for example the President, who lives in a remote area, cannot get satellite access). As per internet services, such service is provided by foreign macronational corporations.

Human Rights[edit | edit source]

The Federal Republic of Grunkia is a major supporter of human rights, and imposes fair human rights in the country. A large number of laws are being proposed after the parliamentary elections, which, if approved by the House of Commons, will make many human rights a law. The Federal Republic of Grunkia however does not give full freedom to expression, as it limits hate speech.

Links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

Template:Grunkia Navbox